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Our Grantees

Across the Foundation’s priority areas, our grantees are working to improve the health of the public through innovative research and programs.  The Foundation awards up to 40 grants on a rotating schedule each year.

Learning from the Experience of A Consortium of New and Developing Medical Schools

Theme: New Curriculum Content

Institution: Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)

Grant Type: Board Grant

Award Amount: $482,670

Grant Awarded: May 2009

Principal Investigator: M. Brownell Anderson

A study entitled “Learning from the Experience of A Consortium of New and Developing Medical Schools” aims to enhance our collective understanding of the challenges, opportunities, and experiences of the new medical schools being developed at the start of the twenty-first century in an effort to 1) support the new schools and provide a venue for them to share projects and innovations; 2) maintain a record of the history and development of these new schools (the first in the last quarter of the century); 3) learn from their experiences and produce a written record to promote the sharing of those lessons learned and catalyze in existing medical schools the development and implementation of innovative curricula; and 4) disseminate widely to all medical schools the results of the development, implementation, and evaluation of these new educational programs. M. Brownell Anderson, Senior Director, Educational Affairs, is the principal investigator of a grant of up to $482,670 for a period of four years, effective July 1, 2009.